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Doctor Doctor
Monday, February 01, 2021, 8:30pm
Location: Florida
Mood: slightly concerned, actually...
Listening: n/a
Playing: n/a
Eating: Schogetten Dark Chocolate filled with Cocoa Cream, Cocoa Nibs and Hazelnut
Drinking: green tea
   Watching: banana peppers - 90s MYSTERY TIME CAPSULE! - Unboxing A SUBSCRIBER-MADE BOX!

    So I did call the doctor's office as soon as they reopened from lunch. The receptionist--who's lovely, btw, and I'm not annoyed at in the least--was not happy to hear the doctor (who I guess is working from home) had never joined the video call. She commented that it was rude of him (lol) and put me on hold for nearly ten minutes while she tried to get ahold of the doctor. Unfortunately, he wasn't answering his phone. Which honestly is kind of concerning. I may have been annoyed but I wouldn't wish ill on the man.

    Anyway she said she'd call me back as soon as she talked to him, buuuut surprise I never got a call back. So I wait with baited breath to see if they call me back tomorrow. Mostly at this point I just want to know if my doctor is all right.

    Weird day.

    PS: I think I'm going to add a little art section to my site where I can put the stuff I'm making from this year's 100 Days of Art (an art challenge put on by members of Gaia who frequent the art freebies forum there). :)

    PPS: I still haven't posted a video of the aquarium, have I? I'll have to do that soon.