January 11, 2025 Hey look! An update! :D
Updated my collections, my webgarden collection, and Teeny Towers has several new rooms!
I keep meaning to blog my experience with Hurricanes Helene and Milton but I haven't found the spoons to do so. It was. stressful. We came out of it fine but holy cow. It was a lot. I'll try to write up the outline at least soon. @_@
October 27, 2024 3 days to Halloween!
It's been up a few days mostly but I think I've finally completed the changes for the Halloween look for the site this year. I like it, and there's aspects I'm probably going to keep when I go back to "normal."
Also check out the lil' door in the righthand menu, part of the 32-Bit Cafe's Halloween Event! There's a lil' "treat" you can take with you if you do! :D
October 01, 2024 It's spoopy season! WOO! 30 days to Halloween!
And I have been a busy bee. I've done a ton of updates; various collection pages have been updated, Teeny Towers has several new rooms (don't forget to message me somewhere to let me know if you've made a room!), Ask Me Anything is finally updated, Pet Parade, Plant Portfolio and Avatar Archive are all updated, and finally I fixed the broken Artsy Farsty art gallery pages! They work properly now (click on art and you get a bigger view) and are all updated. Oh and I updated my dream journal. :D
I really want to work on the site some more but at the moment I think I'm all caught up... I dunno what to do! D:
August 26, 2024 One little quickish update before bed—I added a page to irl collections for my mugs! Idk, I just think they're neat.
Now I'm going to bed. Blargh.
March 25, 2024 HOLY MOLY, ya'll, I just added not one, not two, not five, not ten, but TWENTY-FOUR new rooms to Teeny Towers!! I can't thank you room creators enough, I'm, to borrow a phrase from a YouTuber I follow, just chuffed to bits that people like this pixel project so much. Seriously makes my day to get a new message with a new room. Extra special shout-out to Zarla of Ashido.com for making 21 of those new rooms just by themselves. I stand in awe, truly. o.o
Nothing especially new from me personally I guess except I've been playing The Sims 4 a lot recently. And by "playing" I mean hoarding custom content and updating mods and creating my OCs in Sim form but not really getting around much to the actual game.
Oh well, lol.
March 06, 2024 Whoops I died again. lol. There's actually an update today! I made a new blog post about the criminal in my family. Thought ya'll might get a kick out of that.
Otherwise there's not a lot to report on; I'm participating in the 100 Days of Art challenge again and we're... 33? days in now. I need to add that art to the site but I need to figure out what I broke in my gallery first. Dangit.
Oh and recently I've had Metalocalypse Brainrot really bad. Love the show, the characters, the music. Been listening to a TON of Dethklok and even bought a couple shirts while they were BOGO recently. So that's fun. Don't be surprised if a shrine pops up for the show at some point, lol.
November 21, 2023 Hi yes I keep forgetting to update this page, oops. But there's been a ton of updates all over the place. Especially the pixel cliques, of which I've joined several new ones and have made lots of lil' pixels for them. I'm especially pleased with the CDwORLD cds; they just came out really nice. I also really like my Lava Lounge lava lamp! :D I plan to make more/join more cliques; it's a work in progress.
Also updated the countdown (finally) from Halloween to Christmas.
ALSO also, I turn 40 on the 28th, exactly one week from today. Bleh. Big one but also eeeeew, forty.

October 11, 2023 Been doing lots of little bits and bobs around the site. Updated my graphics collections (new stuff!), fixed the shrines so they display properly with the new layout (so much tidier now!), and pruned the links page. Man, we lost a lot of sites this time around, including Eloui! They had a really cool animated doll builder that I liked a lot and I'm bummed out, but also relieved that I saved my doll as a gif a long time ago so it wasn't lost with the site. ^^;
Meanwhile, in converting the pages, I managed to break the art galleries so I've got to re-do those. I've been wanting to go a different direction with them for a while anyway.
In personal news, I've learned the hard way not to get a flu vaccine shot and covid vaccine shot on the same day. It's not fun. (details on my blog!)
October 08, 2023 Redesign done! It's not a big difference but I think it's a cleaner looking layout. Let me know if you have any problems. There's still some pages (like the blog entries) that need updating to the new layout but most of it is done. :)
Oh and the chatbox is on its own page now. You can find the link on the right-hand menu towards the bottom.
September 30, 2023 Hi yes I'm still not dead, lol. Just been all over the place with too many interests and not enough time. Got a neat fashion-related project on one burner, still have the Mighty Ducks and Invader Zim sites on another. Of course I always have this site and I also need to update Kreepy Key's Halloween Horrortorium in time for Halloween... Yeesh. I can't promise a lot; inspiration has been a hard fight lately but I'll try to at least add some new candies to the trick or treat bowl. owo
Been working on making some pixel art for some new pixel cliques I want to join, so hopefully that'll be up soon. Also I need to update Teeny Towers. I think there's a couple rooms I still need to add!
There's also a chance I'll completely rebuild the site... While I like my layout it's not the most mobile friendly and I'd like it to be a little easier to navigate. The obnoxious colors and such aren't going anywhere, just the like, physical layout. I dunno, still thinking about it.
Anyway that's all for now. Hopefully I'll be back sooner rather than later!
July 30, 2023 Rumors of my death are greatly exaggerated. I have been super hyperfocused on Mighty Ducks: The Animated Series and my new fansite for it, Saurians Suck (Ducks Rock!). Also I've been writing again, something I've struggled with for years so I'm stoked to be able to again! Dunno if/when I'll publish any of that (it's fanfic, am I that brave these days, I dunno lol), but it's fun to write at least.
Also I'm currently working on catching up on messages; I just caught up on the Cbox but I still have the guestbook and AMA section to update as well. I'll get there, I think! Lol.
Hope all's good with you guys! By the way, it's less than 100 days until Halloween! :D
June 11, 2023 Happy Pride! This is mostly a message to let everyone know I'm still around, lol. (I've been hyperfocused on Gaia Online recently. >_>;; )
Anyway I know a lot of people have left me messages in one form or another; I'm going to try to get through them a bit at a time. I haven't forgotten you and I'm not ignoring you, I just got a little overwhelmed as I've had quite a few messages in the past few months. ^^;
Also I didn't do an update note here for it, but there have been some other little updates here and there, including some recipes (cake mix cookies my new beloved). I also added a few new 'virtual' stickers, and some new pixel goodies you can use on your site (lil' cause ribbons I made years ago that I recently revamped). Enjoy!
February 15, 2023 Happy (belated) Valentine's Day! Been doing lots of little, and some bigger, updates all over the site. There's new pages for the IRL Collections, including my smashed pennies collection of which I'm quite proud :D
Teeny Towers just reached its 10th floor! I need rooms to fill it up, so please if you're at all interested, consider making your own room (or rooms) for it! Details and guidelines on the Teeny Towers page. :) Remember, too, that you can make businesses, not just personal rooms!
Oh and there's also an "ask me anything" page now where you guys can ask me stuff via an anonymous form. Have fun!
January 19, 2023 Hey there, Happy (belated) New Year! Or early Chinese New Year, lol (btw try typing "chinese new year" into Google search for a surprise!). There's not been a lot of updates lately, but you might notice the color scheme has gone a little more Lisa Frank than the previous Crayola. I'm in a neon mood I guess. :D There is more stuff in the IRL collections; notably there's now a page for my figures collection and my "miscellaneous" collection of neat things, though the latter doesn't have anything yet, lol. Maybe tomorrow I'll work on it.
Hope everyone had a good Christmas, or Hannukah, or whatever you celebrate, and if you don't celebrate anything, I hope you've had a good "holiday" season regardless of everyone else's shenanigans. :)
December 01, 2022 Heyo, haven't made an entry on this in a while. I've been doing updates here and there I just sorta... forgot about this. Oopsie.
Anyway there's updates to the blog, the toybox, links, Teeny Towers and the Quilt have new entries... Oh and my favorite, there's a new collections page! This time it's my nail polish, both my collection and my wishlist. I think it's a dang fun page. :D
Hope you had a good Thanksgiving if you celebrate. Here comes Crimmus!
September 30, 2022 Hi nerds, just checking in; there's a new blog post if you want to know what I've been up to the past few days (hint: Hurricane Ian).
That's really it for now except that my Halloween shrine kinda exploded into its own site recently, Kreepy Key's Halloween Horrortorium! So you can go check that out. I'll be joining the Yesterweb's Trick or Treat project from there too (don't worry, I'll have a link on this site to it as well <3)!
August 12, 2022 Well despite Neocities having some serious server issues, I did finally build my Invader Zim shrine!! I love it to death and it's honestly my favorite thing on the site at the moment. I hope you enjoy it, too!
If parts of it seem to be missing or otherwise not displaying correctly, well, like I said, Neocities is having some problems at the moment and it's hard to work on and update at the moment because it takes foreeever to push updates through to the live page. I'm doing my best!
August 01, 2022 The Halloween Countdown has officially returned! 3 months and counting till spoop day!
And there's a bunch of updates and new stuff on the site! The art gallery has been updated, as has the plant page (now called plant portfolio)! There's now a 'book nook' featuring my favorite books and a dream diary chronicaling my weirdo little dreams, because why not. Also there's some 'new' rescued backgrounds from old websites on the 'backgrounds' page. Oh! The 'halloween' and 'christmas' pages are now also listed under 'shrines'. They'll stay listed in the sidebar for now, but when I need room for more menu entries, they'll be the first to go. So they'll still be on the site, just listed differently. And finally, a few of the items on the left-hand menu have been renamed—for instance 'my blog' is now more accurately called 'occasional blog,' lol. Anyway that'll do it for now! Enjoy! :D
July 02, 2022 Updated my plants page finally! And redesigned it a little. Not every plant is on there, but I'd say at least my favorites are. Also apparently July is Disability Pride Month. Also also, I decided I do indeed like my rainbow layout enough to keep it, lol.
June 30, 2022 Been doing some little updates here and there; just done some work on the links page, added a new room and a street to Teeny Towers yesterday, some new holo rainbow stickers to the sticker sets page, some new fanlistings a few days ago, and so on. Oh! And I finally added a page I've wanted to do for ages, the Avatar Archive! It's a page featuring my avatars from a whole bunch of avatar dress-up sites over the years. :)
June 01, 2022 Happy Pride! Hope you like the new layout design; the placement of things is mostly the same but the colors and some images have changed. I did this for Pride but honestly I like it so much I might keep it! We'll see if I get sick of it by the end of the month, lol.
April 10, 2022 Whee~ I just added a TON of new virtual stickers to the stickers page, including SIXTY vintage "scratch n' sniff" stickers! Go nuts. :D Oh and I did something of an overhaul to the About Me page, updating some stuff and adding more; stuff listed in the interests (like books, youtube channels, etc.) now link to whatever's listed, so if you're curious, you can now easily check out my interests!
March 19, 2022 Hey look, I'm alive! And I come bearing updates! I've redone the art gallery pages; you can now click on the thumbnails to expand the images! I'm not sure it's the final version or that I'm totally happy with it, but for now, it'll do. Quiz results have been updated with a couple "new" quizes at the bottom, dug up from an old, OLD version of my personal website that never even made it to the web, lol. I think the archived versions of both quizes still work, too! There's a few new userboxes in Web Collections, and some new stuff in the Toybox. There's a whole new shrine dedicated to a young adult novel I discovered in the third grade that I still love today! I actually pulled most of it from the same old verion of my website I mentioned before. Had to do a fair bit of recoding but I'm quite happy with it. Links have been updated and I'll probably go through them again soon to clean them up since I haven't in a while. Teeny Towers and Web Garden have been updated. And Backgrounds has a couple new pieces for you to enjoy, this time original ones that are Invader Zim themed! I think that's everything—honestly a fair bit! Enjoy! :D
January 01, 2022 Hello! You may have noticed I finished off the Christmas page; I'll probably add more goodies next year but I'm happy with what I put together. I've also updated Teeny Towers multiple times recently with new rooms; please be sure to check it out and consider making your own tower and rooms! Oh and I've added to the Toybox with my own NeoCave and NeoWing! Another fun interactive/creative community type project worth checking out. That's it for now. Happy New Year!
December 07, 2021 Hey! Better late than never, I've got the Christmas page up! It's still a little under construction, mostly the food section, but I wanted to get it officially up and in the menu and stuff sometime, you know, before Christmas. :P Enjoy! And Happy Holidays!
October 21, 2021 Almost forgot to mention, I finished the coding overhaul. The site should be more mobile-friendly now. I hope. I tried, at least!
October 10, 2021 Heyo, the site's undergoing a coding overhaul to be more mobile-friendly and generally more

September 10, 2021 You may have noticed the brand new "HALLOWEEN" page! I'm excited to have my first "Halloween Special" of sorts. There's music, movie ideas, stickers for your Virtual Sticker Albums, and I hope to have more goodies as the season progresses.
There's also a bunch of new adopts in the Toybox, if you're into that sort of thing. No, I don't have a problem!
September 07, 2021 Hey look an update! I haven't really added anything new, but I did add the first Halloween overlay to the site! I'm pretty happy with it. :D Also I'm going to try to blog more again; I really like looking back on my journal I'm just so laaaazy about updating it. :T Oh! I am going to put my Halloween 2021 Watchlist somewhere, maybe I'll make a Halloween section, idk. We'll see. I'm open to suggestions! :D
July 25, 2021 Hello, I'm not dead, just haven't had much to add to the site in a while. I did add a new link and updated the countdown back to Halloween, but that's about it. I'm kinda stuck for ideas tbh. I'm working on something cool for the isopods though, and I'll definitely share that when it's ready!
June 3, 2021 First of all: Happy Pride! :D
Second, there's been various little updates to the site, mostly I updated my plants page to show off my leafy kids, lol. Also I forgot last time, but I made a page called "The Idiot Box," which is a playlist of various nostalgic videos from my childhood--cartoon intros and movie trailers and channel bumps, that sort of thing. It was really fun to make and I hope you enjoy watching it. :D
Oh and I updated the art gallery too; I managed to complete the 100 Days of Art challenge I was participating in! Quite proud of that, tbh. That's really it for now. I want to add more to the site I just don't really have any ideas at the moment. I'm open to suggestions!
May 12, 2021 For what it's worth, I have been updating the site. I just keep forgetting to update this. There's a pets page, a plants page, various other updates. Also I really need to update the art gallery again; it's way behind. I'll get to it eventually.
Side note, I get my second covid shot later today. Wish me luck that it doesn't make me sick!
Mar 31, 2021 Art gallery is updated again. Been doing other tweaks in the background. Idk I'm bored.
Mar 18, 2021 addendum Art gallery is finally updated. Only had two freakin' weeks of backlog to put up!
Mar 18, 2021 Hey, long time no update. Well I mean I've been doing updates I just keep forgetting to or putting off making note of it. There's several new pages (Yum-Yum Shoppe, Teeny Towers, and Web Garden) to explore. Also added a bunch more stickers for anyone making virtual sticker albums. I'm way behind on getting my art up though; I need to get on that. Also could stand to make a blog post. I've been both productive and lazy as hell. Welp.
Mar 02, 2021 Updated art again. Added a couple new Site-ID trading cards. :D Also added a buttload of new adopts to my toybox because I have a problem. (งツ)ว
Feb 25, 2021 Keepin' the art updated, and also added a boatload of things to the links page. I have a lot of reccomendations beyond just other neat personal sites, so check it out!
Feb 15, 2021 Art updated, a little reorganization done before the pages get too big. That's about it I guess. Happy Valentine's Day!
Feb 12, 2021 Can't sleep again. Caught up my 100 Days of Art and got it uploaded where needed. I guess I need to go through and update the menus on the shrine pages but I'm too lazy to do it right this minute. :P
Feb 04, 2021 Bored and couldn't sleep, so I added a bunch of new stickers to the sticker album (thanks, Carla!) and a buttload of new fanlistings because why not? I'm going to bed now. :P
Feb 03, 2021 Added the rest of my art! Including the latest pieces that I'm doing for the 100 Days Challenge. I'm really enjoying the challenge this year; hopefully I can keep it up!
Feb 02, 2021 Added an art page! So far just my photography (that took foreeeeever) and my pieces for this year's 100 Days of Art challenge on Gaia's forums. I'll add more stuff later. It'd kinda tedious lol.
Jan 24, 2021 Added a couple new links, and a brand new link button! Also finally made my Swapex (email me or use the guestbook or the chatbox if you want to trade!) which I'm quite happy with. And the biggest news which you've hopefully already seen: There's a new splash page with brand new art (it me!) by my awesome friend, Fioxis! Go show 'em some love; they take commissions and their art is freaking fantastic!
Jan 20, 2021 Happy New Year! I settled on a design for the blog page and I'm pretty happy with it. Also I added a new shrine for Lordi. :D Also also, Happy Inauguration Day!
Dec 27, 2020 Blog page achieved! :D I might change the font on the entries, as I'm not sure about how readable it is (totally open to opinions on that), but otherwise the page is finally laid out and the first entry is up! X3
Dec 25, 2020: Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all of you! There's not much to update here except that I'm thinking about adding a blog to my site. :o Might work on that today sometime, we'll see. Love ya'll!
Dec 4, 2020: I'm not dead! My life has just been consumed by Minecraft recently. >_> I do still need to replace the counter but I have no idea what it was at so that's difficult. At least I updated the Thanksgiving countdown to Christmas, lol.
Nov 20, 2020: So it would seem my web counter site has gone asplodey, so I'll need to replace that soon. Pity, as it was the only one I've found that I could format to fit into my site design cleanly. Also I don't know what the number said. :I On the bright side of things, though, I've got three new awards on the awards page! :D
Nov 04, 2020 addendum 2: New award, updated the toybox, updated the counter to count down to Thanksgiving, added a new link. Not a lot but hey, it's something. :D
Nov 04, 2020 addendum: I can probably take down the "Happy Halloween" now, lol.
Nov 04, 2020: Kinda thinking about doing my own set of site awards... just because. But I dunno what design I'd use 'cause I don't even have my splash image yet. Hrm.
Oct 21, 2020: I never did mention that I made a second batch of Halloween pixels (candy), and a few 88x31 buttons, 2 Halloween and 2 that are snack-related. Check 'em out! Also I'm open to requests, mostly for buttons and such graphics but I can probably pull off some simple pixels too. Drop me a note if you're interested!
Oct 4, 2020: Added new goodies to the pixels page! There's a couple new sets of bullets, and a bunch of tiny Halloween pixels to decorate your site with. Hey if you use anything, drop me a note in the Chatbox and let me know! I'd love to see what you've done with 'em. :D
Oct 01, 2020 addendum: Thinking about starting a blog on here. I haven't blogged regularly since my LiveJournal days and it'd be kinda neat to have a journal again. Dunno if anyone would actually care to read it, but that's okay.
Oct 01, 2020: Btw I figured out why line-height wasn't working anymore. I'm not going to explain it but suffice to say I'm a complete idiot, lmao.
Sep 29, 2020 addendum: I can't for the LIFE of me get "line-height" to work anymore. Like I adjusted it a few days ago and now I can't change it no matter what I do. It's making adjusting my side menus a pain in the ass, and is why the links at the bottom of the right side are getting cut off. :/
Sep 29, 2020: Oh crap it's been over a week since I made an entry on this. Oops!
For what it's worth, I have been doing a bunch of stuff. Added more stickers for the virtual sticker album thing, added a couple more shrines (I love a lot of stuff, okay? XD), updated links and listings/webrings, uh... oh yeah! I got my SITE-ID for the trading card game! If anyone wants to trade with me, drop me a note through email or chatbox or whatever and let me know!
Sep 21, 2020: Woo-hoo! I finally figured out how to use frames with my side menus so I don't have to edit every single page when making a small change. :D
Also, inspired by Lu of Lulu in Cyberspace, I've created a Virtual Sticker Album! I've also dug up a butt-ton of vintage sticker pics that I transformed into individual images that people can use in their own albums. Check out the "stickers" link on the right-hand menu and join the fun!
Also also, got some new pixels up (blinky stars!), and two more shrines set up that I absolutely love. Hope you'll enjoy and maybe discover something new!
Sep 18, 2020: There's more graphics now! Including some pixel hearts I did that I'm quite proud of. Also I have officially finished my first e-shrine, and I'm quite pleased with it. This site has been keeping me so busy and I love it! ❤️
Sep 15, 2020: Well, no pages yet for Icons 50x50 or Buttons 88x31, lol, but! Links have been heavily updated and there's lots of cool stuff I recommend checking out. Even updated some of the old buttons I made for sites that had none so they look sharper.
Sep 14, 2020: Okay! Stamps, Userbars, Icons 100x100, and Cursors are all pages that actually exist now! And they have content! Blinkies also 'exists' but it has nothing on it yet because... I have yet to make those. Icons 50x50 and Buttons 88x31 hopefully will be built today at the very least, even if they're without content... ALSO! I really enjoy making these kinds of graphics, especially 88x31 buttons and userbars, so hit me up with your requests if you'd like! You can use the chatbox on the right. :D
Sep 12, 2020: Well, I think I've managed to relearn iframes. Partially anyway. If only I can figure out how to implement them throughout the site to make my life easier...